We covered 7856 miles in three + weeks and had a wonderful adventure. After the dog show part, we drove part of the Blue Ridge Park way along the Shenandoah valley, into wild and amazing West Virginia and to Tennessee where we admired the Great Smoky Mts. Then a tiny part of Georgia and across Alabama and Mississippi. Spent some time at the Civil war battlefield near Vicksburg. Very interesting and somber. Through Louisiana and to Dallas area for a couple of days visiting relatives then north to Amarillo and west to NM. On to Four Corners and then the fabulous Arches National Park. Finally home and slept in my own bed for my birthday. The poodles were awesome travelers. never knew they were in the van. They just hop in their dog crates and sleep. We left home April 9th and returned April 30th so they got real good at motel manners!