The weather in western Oregon was very nice today with highs in the upper 40's, blue sky and almost no wind. I had taken Howie and Norah out Saturday for some tracking but decided to go out again today. I went to the local state offices for some VST work and laid a very short track for each of the four poodles.
Norah ran first and although she has not been on pavement since last spring had no trouble transitioning from the grass over a curb and down the parking lot. She was very pleased with herself when she found her plastic lid and was well rewarded for it.
Howie went next and started on grass to the parking lot with an open angled turn and another 30 yards or so to the article on a grassy berm. He didn't have any real problems, other than his normal reluctance to be steady and methodical. Imagine that! His style did not magically change....he would still prefer to run amuck. But he actually settled down and worked pretty well. I think he may do better on non veg as he has to pay attention instead of being on autopilot.
I laid a piece for Lucy (TD in 2003 but rarely tracks as I don't have enough time). She sniffed her start article for a moment went about three steps, stopped to pee and then just cruised right a long including a MOT type turn and headed to her metal article. Lucy is a "loose" type tracker who has never accepted much line tension (or maybe I just never demanded it!) and I swear she looks like she is just walking along, but she was within a body's length of her track at all times.
Shelby had the last track. Many of you know Shelby (TD 2001 a couple of TDX and VST tries and plagued with health issues). Poor Shelby was beside herself with glee to track. So wild in fact that she was pretty much a mess as a tracking dog....... but she is still my best little girl. Maybe not so little anymore as her harness seemed awfully tight. She must be over 10 pounds now.....little piggy.It was a nice way to spend a couple hours. Better than cleaning house